

00:04 a.m.
Another friday night with sh*tty clubs playing repetitive crap music. We walked bambillion hours to find some cool place to stay. But it looked like there was no club where we could possibly have fun and dance without being annoyed by the music or by a behaviour of some people. To be more specific, all these cocky drunk girls on super high heels with miniskirts and all these creepy desperate guys trying to get laid. Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends. It feels like I hate clubs more and more. Isn't it just ten times better to sit in a nice coffee shop, talking about unimportant and important things, reading or just doodling into a sketchbook with some nice indie or jazz music playing in the background...?

This is one of my favourite shirts. I thrifted it about a month ago for sixty crowns, there are little golden angels and birdies all over it. Love these superduper patterns(as you can see in the background of my blog). I lent it to Alex that day(guess it looks way cooler on him haha).

You can check Alex's music here: 

We decided to go to Stromovka, it's a large park in Prague. People often go there to longboard or skate or have a picnick during the day. And in the night time there are backyard parties at Tiskárna na Vzduchu till it's dawn. But that day there wasn't any party going on. Another disappointment. 

So basically what happened next?

We ran into some Luna park nearby and went full retard.

Deers In Wunderland haha

Alright, straight to the woods!

This looked really creepy

F*ck that, Golf Wang
F*ck that, Golf Wang
F*ck that, Golf Wang

This supposed to be an artistic photo of a friend standing in the bushes, but I kinda failed and it went all blurry.

Two of our friends disappeared.  

03:32 am

After few minutes we stopped at one spot.
And while we were telling ghost stories, these two guys tried to scare us,
but in the end they got scared themselves and ran toward us.

We went up a hill and found a children's playground.

 03:48 a.m.
We jumped on the trampoline, we swang on the swings, we climbed till the sunrise.
Turned a lame night into a fun night! It was much better than expected and I was happy.

04:41 a.m.
Wasted. Time to go home.

05:08 a.m.
The underpass next to the metro station Nádraží Holešovice

"Není pravda, že sem přicházíme žít, jen spíme, jenom zde sníme."
"It's not true, that we come here to live, we only sleep, we only dream."

"Možná, že život je jen sen a na konci vede cesta ven."
"Maybe the life is just a dream and at the end there's a way out."

Tired, but still in superhappy mood :)

05:52 am
Still not home. The sun is rising, the empty streets are beautiful...

morning keep the streets empty for me
morning keep the streets empty for me


  1. cool pics, love this climate <3

  2. Love your photography, each photo is so unique! o.o <3

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